FUSE supports a high level of email customization for customers using its FUSE Subscribe™ offering.

Confirmation Message

This is the message the subscriber first receives when establishing a new subscription via a FUSE instance. FUSE supports the following parameters. When a custom value is not provided, Default is used.

Subject line of the message.
FUSE Content Alert
From Email
Email address of the message.
From Name
Name associated with the message.
Body of the message in HTML.
see Default Confirmation Email below
Body of the message in text-only (to support certain email certain email readers). 
see Default Confirmation Email below
Link URL
Rare. Allows for specification of absolute URLs when relative ones are provided by your data.*
URL specified by the content source
*Normally, relative URLs are safe to use when interacting with a link on a website (e.g. /resources/applying-for-admission). When interacting with that same link in an email, however, absolute URLs are required (e.g. https://www.yourdomain.xyz/resources/applying-for-admission). Google 'relative vs absolute urls' for more details.

Default Confirmation Email

<h2>Hello from FUSE!</h2>
<p>We'll email you when new content is available that matches the following parameter(s) you've specified to be alerted about:</p>
<p>Go <a href="{link}">here</a> to load all search results with your parameter(s) applied.</p>
<p>At your request, this message is sent when new content is available.  To
unsubscribe from this specific content alert, go here: <a href="{unsub_link}">{unsub_link}</a></p>
Hello from FUSE!
We'll email you when new content is available that matches the following parameter(s) you've specified to be alerted about:
Go to {link} to load all search results with your parameter(s) applied.
At your request, this message is sent when new content is available.  To unsubscribe from this specific content alert, go here: {unsub_link}

Content Alert Message

This is the message the subscriber receives when there's new content in the index that matches their specifications. FUSE supports the following parameters. When a custom value is not provided, Default is used.

Subject line of the message.
FUSE Content Alert
From Email
Email address of the message.
From Name
Name associated with the message.
Body of the message in HTML.
see Default Content Alert Email below
Body of the message in text-only (to support certain email certain email readers). 
see Default Content Alert Email below
Link URL
Rare. Allows for specification of absolute URLs when relative ones are provided by your data.*
URL specified by the content source
Subscription URL
Rare. Used when the original web address of the FUSE instance changes.** 
Original web address of FUSE instance

*Normally, relative URLs are safe to use when interacting with a link on a website (e.g. /resources/applying-for-admission). When interacting with that same link in an email, however, absolute URLs are required (e.g. https://www.yourdomain.xyz/resources/applying-for-admission). Google 'relative vs absolute urls' for more details.

**Consider this scenario: day one, you host your FUSE instance running FUSE Subscribe™ at https://www.yourdomain.xyz/site-explorer and many users create subscriptions over the coming months. Fast forward some time later and you decide to move your FUSE instance to https://www.yourdomain.xyz/resource-locator instead. Setting the Subscription URL ensures all of your previous subscribers under the former address continue to be supported.  

Default Content Alert Email

<h2>Hello from FUSE!</h2>
<p>New content is available that matches the following parameter(s) you've
specified to be alerted about:</p>
<p>Here's a sampling:</p>
<p>Go <a href="{link}">here</a> to load all search results with your parameter(s) applied.</p>
<p>At your request, this message is sent when new content is available.  To
unsubscribe from this specific content alert, go here: <a href="{unsub_link}">{unsub_link}</a></p>

Hello from FUSE!
New content is available that matches the following parameter(s) you've
specified to be alerted about:
Here's a sampling:
Go to {link} to load all search results with your parameter(s) applied.
At your request, this message is sent when new content is available.  To unsubscribe from this specific content alert, go here: {unsub_link}

HTML Formatting

When providing FUSE with custom HTML for your messages, keep in mind two 'rules:'

1) As with most email marketing software, only inline styles are supported. E.g. <div style="background-color: #097f9e; max-width: 700px;"> in contrast to a <head>-based <style> declaration.

2) Only code between <body> tags is supported. As such, no <head> elements, JavaScript, or similar. Sending FUSE tested "in-between the <body> tags" code is best.