Abstracts are the bit of code that appear under each clickable title in a resultset.

By default, FUSE abstracts are dynamically generated based on the keyword(s) entered. FUSE shows the section of the content item where there's the best concentration of relevancy plus a bit before that concentration and a bit after.

FUSE can adjust the length of the abstracts per your preference (e.g. 100, 300 characters).  FUSE can also handle each content source's abstracts differently - e.g. 200 characters for the Blog, 150 for the Social Media Post.

You can also suppress abstracts altogether for one or all sources (some customers do this to show there are active hits in that content but abstracts are suppressed to maintain anonymity).  Keep in mind FUSE can also supply different versions of its Views – one with abstracts handled one way (e.g. full), another where they're displayed differently (e.g. partial).  This can be helpful in scenarios where content is behind a paywall or catering FUSE's output to a user's authentication status is paramount.

Static Abstracts

Finally, FUSE can skip dynamic abstracts altogether and use a set field instead. E.g. you may have a 'Summary' field in your CMS that you prefer to use over a dynamically generated abstract. FUSE can easily accommodate this too.  This is most common in short form content, however, such as Tweets.