When FUSE connects to a source of content it finds (and ingests) from as little as a handful — up to several hundred fields — of data per content item. Ingesting a press release, for example, may include fields like:


The fields of data FUSE receives are useful to build listings of filters and business rules which FUSE can apply to your content and Views. There is, however, a minimum set of fields FUSE requires to function properly for any given content item.

When FUSE displays an item, it needs a headline that typically describes what the content item is. Usually this same text is the what the user clicks/selects to proceed onto the content item.

This is where FUSE will send the user when they click/select the Title. The URL for the item can be relative (e.g. /white-papers/refiners-face-pressure) or full path (https://www.domain.com/white-papers/refiners-face-pressure - full path is ideal if there's a choice). Note that a single content item may have multiple links (e.g. one link takes the user to the item, another adds the item to a shopping cart).

The body/fulltext of the content item. FUSE can strip HTML tags if present.

Often multiple dates are available for each content item (e.g. published, last edited, start/end). FUSE needs a date of record for each content item to use in its algorithm, sorting, and display.