In order to view, share and streamline your FUSE Reports (Explorations), you would need to create an Exploration. Learn more about how we use Exploration at FUSE to help you streamline your tracking.

Explore Google Analytics

Google Explore allows you create streamlined charts to understand your Reports better. You can streamline a report with parameters to target audiences, devices, keywords, trends and the list continues. You can create a FUSE Trends Exploration with the events from Using Reports in GA4

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Figure 1 —Google Analytics highlighting the left Menu for Explore

Where to look 

In the sidebar, click Explore > Blank.
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Figure 2 —Google Analytics Blank Exploration Overview

Setting up an Exploration can get tricky since there are many moving pieces. We offer a complementary setup for your team so that you can replicate the Events for other FUSE tracking and beyond.

Google provides an in-depth document setting up your Exploration here:

We will go over the key fields we use and the metrics we update to have you started.

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Figure 3 —Google Analytics Variable and Settings Filled In Overview

Using the template above as a guide:

Setup segments in location, technology (we recommend to leave this open ended), types of traffic (organic and direct are recommended). You can add as many segments as you would like to review here.

Setup the fuse_variables 1-3. This is actualize the data to be shown up on the right side of the table. These are the variables that will be reviewed. You may also update variables from other instances in this report.

Setup Event Count and Value as the metrics to track. Event count returns the hits for the results, and Value will be helpful is you utilize paid Google ads to track PPC (Pay per click)

Set Technique to be Free Form and the Visualization to be the first icon in the options.

Segment Comparisons
Set the comparisons to be between Technology and US as set from the Segment. You can also choose to compare between traffic as well.

Set the pivot to be the first row and use the Fuse Variables and Event Name as the options, this is the visualization that sets up the table.

Correspond to the metrics and will update the visualization to show the results on the table.

Set Cell Type as plain text.

You can decide to create a separate table for each FUSE Type Event (Clicked Result, Keyword Search, Toggle Filter). This detail will be visible on the first column of the table if you decide not to filter the options.

While this is a condensed version, there is absolutely more that you can do with the Exploration. We are here to support setting up this first version. In order to do so, please provide admin rights.

Note- To change things in the Explore report (such as the date range!), please duplicate the Explore report first. An Explore report created under the account can only be maintained and updated by FUSE Search.